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Alberto Patishtán: I urge the judges to consider my case with their hearts before sentencing me and to listen to the just demands of my people who are witnesses to my innocence

Open letter to the judges from Alberto Patishtán

To the general public
To statewide, national and international news media
To alternative news media
To the Sixth International of the EZLN
To independent organizations
To human rights defenders:

It’s been more than 13 years since I was imprisoned and Justice has still not been done. It’s incredible and impossible that a true, just demand was turned into a crime and then into a 60 year sentence. That’s what was done to me by blind and deaf authorities.

Today I only hope for the fruits of the truth, a living truth that tells all, as was seen just days ago in the release of my 9 brothers and sister of the Solidarios de La Voz del Amate after years of being locked up.  As I await the decision of the First Collegiate Tribunal of the Twentieth Circuit of Chiapas, I urge the judges to consider my case with their hearts before sentencing me and to listen to the just demands of my people who are witnesses to my innocence. The decision they make, whatever it may be, will go down in history in Mexico and the world. 
Lastly, I urge all people in México and the world to continue to demand justice and freedom in all righteous causes.  

Live or Die for Truth and Justice!
Your brother,
Political prisoner of the Voz del Amate and adherent to the Sixth

Alberto Patishtán Gómez

Penal No. 5, San Cristóbal de Las Casas. July 29, 2013.

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